Migratory Pollinators Program

Table 6.
Observations of Hummingbirds in Sonora, Mexico, arranged by vegetation type and municipio.
The hummingbird species and municipio links are not currently active.

Municipio Vegetation Allen's Anna's Broad-billed Black-chinned Beryline Blue-throated Broad-tailed Calliope Costa's Magnificent Plain-capped Starthroat Rufous Violet-crowned White-eared Total
S�ric Arizona Upland   1            1
Trincheras Arizona Upland   4 1     2      7
Tubutama Arizona Upland   2          2  4
Empalme Central Gulf Coast   3      4      7
Guaymas Central Gulf Coast 2  1      4   7   14
Pitiquito Central Gulf Coast    13     78   1   91
Cajeme Coastal Thornscrub   5      2   2   9
Aconchi Foothills Thornscrub  1 5 3         3  12
Arizpe Foothills Thornscrub  6 14 3        6 6  35
Ban�michi Foothills Thornscrub  2 3 1     2   1   9
Quiriego Foothills Thornscrub   1            1
Soyopa Foothills Thornscrub   46 2     27   10 16 1 102
Y�cora Foothills Thornscrub
Oak Woodland
Pine-Oak Forest
Tropical Deciduous Forest
  5 45 25 37 22 12 1 14 12 1 25 31 49 279
Santa Cruz Grassland 1 3 11 9   1   1  7   33
Caborca Lower Colorado River Valley   3      12   7   22
Puerto Pe�asco Lower Colorado River Valley  4       14   15   33
San Luis R.C. Lower Colorado River Valley            3   3
Sonoyta Lower Colorado River Valley         1   1   2
Cananea Oak Woodland            1   1
Benjam�n Hill Plains of Sonora   1      1      2
Carb� Plains of Sonora 1 4 12 2     18   10   47
Hermosillo Plains of Sonora-Urban 1 1 16 2    2 16   9   47
La Colorada Plains of Sonora   3      5   1   9
Opodepe Plains of Sonora   6 1           7
San Miguel de H. Plains of Sonora    1     2      3
Bacoachi Riparian Gallery  2 4 2    1 1   4 2 1 17
Cucurpe Riparian Gallery  3 6 2     2      13
Imuris Riparian Gallery   1            1
Magdalena Riparian Gallery  6 9 4     1   3 5  28
Nogales Riparian Gallery  3 7 5        3   18
Santa Ana Riparian Gallery    1           1
Alamos Tropical Deciduous Forest   9 2       2 5 9  27
Onavas Tropical Deciduous Forest   19      5   2 4  30
Rosario Tesopaco Tropical Deciduous Forest   6          1  7
San Javier Tropical Deciduous Forest   9      1    2 1 13
Totals:  5 40 252 79 37 22 13 4 212 13 3 123 81 52 936


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Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 09-18-2024