Junior Docent 2014-2015 Season — for New Recruits

Saturday, May 17 (late afternoon)
Welcoming Ceremony for those applicants selected to participate in the Junior Docent program
Tuesday-Thursday, June 3-5 (all day)
Backpacking trip into Arivipa Canyon
Friday-Saturday, June 27-28 (Friday morning to Saturday morning)
Saguaro Harvest Campout
Friday-Saturday, July 11-12 (Friday morning to Saturday evening)
Sleepover at the Museum
Saturday, July 19 (all day)
Training at the Museum
Saturday, August 9 (all day)
Training at the Museum
Saturday, August 23 (all day)
Training at the Museum
Saturday, September 13th (all day)
Junior Docent Retreat at the Tucson Racquet & Fitness Club

Starting in mid-September, Junior Docents will be divided into two crews, one to work mostly on Sundays (with some required Saturday involvement) and the other half to work on Saturdays. On these "regular Junior Docent days" the shift will be from 10:45 am to 5:45 pm. They fall mostly on the 2nd and 4th weekends, exceptions are underlined below. Required Saturdays for the Sunday crew are also underlined.

Keep in mind that Junior Docents are allowed only 4 absences during the June to May Junior Docent season. A 4-week advanced notice is required (except for sick days)

2014-2015 Sunday Crew (with some required Saturdays)

2014-2015 Saturday Crew (all days are Saturdays)

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 05-05-2024